All over the world people are suffering from high gas prices. There are a lot of people protesting and complaining about the prices of gas and oil...So until you make eventually your electric car choice, find out how you can start saving on gas with your car now. What can be done, if the oil crunch is here to stay?
It is known that every gasoline engine burns much more cleanly and efficiently when combined with hydrogen gas. This allows you to get more from each gallon of gas. And this gas needs oxygen to burn - a crucial part of the process. With a good guide like Water 4 Gas, plus a couple hundred bucks worth of parts from your local hardware store, you will be well on your way to converting your car into a water burning hybrid. The method in this guide is the same as that given in the other guides, using electrolysis to convert water into a gas called HHO and power your car. Water4Gas is a Do-It-Yourself, affordable and SIMPLE technology. You will find testimonials of many happy Water 4 Gas customers. While 100% water driven cars are on the drawing board, for now, you can use water which is supplemental to gasoline (petrol) or diesel fuel to increase the mileage of your car dramatically.
The inventors of Water 4 Gas have had water-to-energy converters running in all their vehicles since 2006. Based on old "forgotten" US Patents they have developed devices that use a little electricity out of your car/truck battery, to separate water into a gas called "HHO" (2 parts Hydrogen + 1 Oxygen). There are currently more than 90,000 vehicles worldwide running on Water 4 Gas. You no longer have to pay OUTRAGEOUS gas prices, and you can stop global warming at the same time.
Water can be used supplemental to gasoline to boost your mileage. While 100% water driven cars are on the drawing board, for now, you can use water which is supplemental to gasoline (petrol) or diesel fuel to increase the mileage of your car dramatically. Many happy customers have experienced a 50% increase in mileage. Well, road tests have shown to possibly double your mileage. This technology will improve your mileage, reduce temperature, and even reduce the beating your car takes with the highly flammable fuel. You’ll receive tons of mileage; which is great because gas prices don’t seem to be reducing anytime soon. Water4Gas is by far the easiest and most reliable mileage enhancer system for beginners. The water reservoir, bubbler and electrolyser have been put together into an outstanding device that lower emissions and improves mileage by enhancing your engine combustion. However the average Water4Gas improvement in fuel economy is 40%-50% and more and more customers are reporting mileage gains 200% or more.
Water is supplemental to gasoline and diesel fuel, which makes it VERY EASY to extract energy from water and run your car on it. You see, with regular gas you normally use, your cars engine only uses 20% of the energy stored in that expensive fuel. The rest of the energy (75%-80%) is wasted into unburned fuel, heat, noise, vibration and greenhouse gases. STOP wasting energy, releasing pollution and heat (global warming). The resulting energy known as HHO is 3 times more potent than gasoline.
With all the junk and scams on the internet today, it is well advised to use some caution before buying anything. It's hard to call the water4gas system a scam. I believe that some people are calling water for gas a scam because they expect more than a book. You will have to make your own decision on that subject, because the word scam means different things to different people. The books come with a money back guarantee, but I will not be returning my copies. The oil company's and car manufacturers would have you believe that water 4 gas is a scam and nothing can be done to increase fuel economy.
If you are serious about building and installing a water to gas converter, then Water 4 Gas is your best choice. So if you don't mind paying that little bit extra for top quality, the Water 4 Gas is your best bet. If the reviews are to be believed, Water 4 Gas is a dream come true for those suffering through the challenge of high price gasoline. With HH0 fuel, using water 4 gas is not just an unreachable utopian ideal that we all used to dream of, but is within reach of the average family.
Create your own water hybrid for under $150!
Works on gas or diesel powered cars, vans, trucks, and SUVs. (Not tested on hybrids) 
Works on gas or diesel powered cars, vans, trucks, and SUVs. (Not tested on hybrids)
Your car will become at least 40% more fuel efficient and produce cleaner emissions.
Convert your car for the lowest price. Similar conversion kits cost up to $600 and up!
Works with plain tap water. No need for distilled water or special water additives!
We've simplified the process. The steps are easy, and the materials are affordable.

You can buy a new car, truck or yacht here
Every month, 1000s of cars become government property through seized and foreclosure laws. Since there are so many cars in these government auctions, and the enormous costs for storage, these cars must be sold fast and cheap!

Every month, 1000s of cars become government property through seized and foreclosure laws. Since there are so many cars in these government auctions, and the enormous costs for storage, these cars must be sold fast and cheap!

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